South african Nursing Council
South African Nursing Council is the body entrusted to set and maintain standards of nursing education and practice in the Republic of South Africa. It is an autonomous, financially independent, statutory body, initially established by the Nursing Act, 1944 (Act No. 45 of 1944), and currently operating under the Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005). In terms of Section 3 of the Nursing Act, 2005, the Nursing Council is to establish, improve and control conditions, standards and quality of nursing education and training.
Health Professions Council of South africa
The HPCSA, together with the 12 Professional Boards under its ambit, is established to provide for control over the education, training and registration for practicing of health professions registered under the Health Professions Act. In order to protect the public and guide the professions, council ensures that practitioners uphold and maintain professional and ethical standards within the health professions and ensure the investigation of complaints concerning practitioners and to ensure that disciplinary action is taken against persons who fail to act accordingly.
South African Council for Social Service Professions
The South African Council for Social Service Professions (SACSSP) is the regulatory body entrusted to set and maintain standards of education and practice of the social service professionals (social work and child and youth care work) in the Republic of South Africa. It is an autonomous, financially independent, statutory body, established in terms of section 2 of Social Service Professions Act 110 of 1978. It is also the recognised statutory professional body for the social service professions of social work and child and youth care work in terms of section 29 of National Qualifications Framework Act 67 of 2008 (NQF Act).
South African Pharmacy Council
The South African Pharmacy Council (SAPC) is constituted of a 25-member strong collective of experienced pharmacy professionals, educators and professionals from other key professions. Nine (9) members of Council are nominated by the profession, another nine are recommended by Members of Executive Committee (MECs) responsible for health in South Africa’s nine provinces. Two members of Council are appointed by the Minister of Health following recommendations by universities that are accredited to offer pharmacy education. The Minister also appoints a representative of the Department of Health as well as four members from other sectors of the South African population.
council on higher education
The Council on Higher Education (CHE) was established by the Higher Education Act of 1997 as an independent statutory body. That Act conferred two major areas of responsibility on the Council. The first was the mandate to advise the Minister of Higher Education and Training (or the Minister of Education at the time) on all matters of higher education in order to further the goals of equity and quality in the system, and to help it respond to economic and social development needs, provide effective and efficient management and contribute to the public good. The second major responsibility was the establishment and management of an external quality assurance system for higher education, to be carried out through its permanent committee, the Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC). The NQF Act of 2005 placed a further responsibility on the CHE, which is now also the Quality Council (QC) for higher education, and as such it must manage its sub-framework of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF), that is, the Higher Education Qualifications Sub-Framework (HEQSF).